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Daily Announcements

Whitesboro High School Daily Announcements

Friday, October 4, 2024 • Day 1


Girls Varsity Field Hockey              at            Canastota          4:45 PM                 Canastota HS

Boys Varsity Football                      at            Fulton                6:30 PM                 Fulton HS


1.       Spirit Week begins on October 7th until the 11th.  On Monday, there will be color wars.  Seniors will wear pink, Juniors – purple, Sophomores – green and Freshman – red.  Tuesday will be jersey day, Wednesday will be western day, and Thursday will be sprit day.  Also known as blue and white day.  Homecoming will be on Friday, October 11th at 6:30 PM.  The homecoming parade is at 5:30 and the athlete parade will be during half time.  Powderpuff will be on Saturday, October 12th at 6:30.

2.       Wake up, Whitesboro!  The class of 2028 is holding a fundraiser for Utica Coffee.  There is a QR code on the flyers around the school.  Scan for more information!  9th graders, bring the flyer home for or family and friends.

3.       Interested in writing for the School Newspaper, Big Blues News?  Join us Tuesday, October 8th for our planning of our 2nd edition of the school year in room 2101.

4.       The Mohawk Valley Counseling Association will be holding their Annual College Night on Tuesday, October 8th at Utica University from 6:30-8:00.  There will be over 125 college Representatives present to answer questions and provide information.  This event is open to all students.

5.       The Red Cross Club is hosting a blood drive on Friday, October 18th from 7:45-2:00 in the wrestling room for all district staff and students.  If staff or students 16years or older would like to donate please sin up on the blood donor app by entering the sponsor code-WhitesboroHS, scan the QR code on the poster.  Come support a great cause.

6.       The Political Discussion Club will meet Tuesday, October 8th after school in room 2301.  New members are welcome!

7.       Attention Juniors and Seniors:  The following Colleges will be visiting our school to speak to perspective students:  TODAY – SUNY Poly at 9:00; Tuesday, October 8th – Brockport at 9:45; Wednesday, October 9th – D’Youville at 8:15; Thursday, October 10th – St. Lawrence at 8:15 and Kueka College at 9:45.  Please sign up in the Guidance Office to reserve your seat.