Daily Announcements
Whitesboro High School Daily Announcements
Friday, February 14, 2025 • Day 2
Co-Ed Varsity Nordic Ski at Meet 3:00 PM Potato Hill Farm
Girls JV Basketball at Camden 5:00 PM Camden HS
Girls Varsity Basketball at Camden 6:30 PM Camden HS
Boys JV Basketball Camden Home 5:30 PM Whitesboro HS
Boys Varsity Basketball Camden Home 7:00 PM Whitesboro HS
1. On Tuesday, February 25th, in the library, from 2:15 to 3:15, SABA and Pre-Employment Transition Services are hosting a First Source Federal Credit Union workshop on the basics of money management. The workshop is open to all Pre-ETS students, who will receive a stipend for their participation. Please make sure to bring your Social Security Number to complete a required W9 form if you haven’t already. To sign up for the event, please see Mrs. Lamberto in Room 2421.
2. Attention Seniors! The following scholarships are available. Information and applications can be found in the counseling office. LeMoyne College CYO Scholarship – Deadline Saturday; Whitesboro Alumni Scholarship & Zonta Club Awards – Deadline March 1st; Alice Palen Delta Kappa Gamma Nu Chapter Award for female students majoring in education – Deadline Mach 13th; Utica Dollars for Scholars and Wurz Family Scholarship – Deadline March 15th Connor Arthur Lynskey Memorial Awards and Alivia Paige Moylan Memorial Scholarship for students majoring in healthcare – Deadline March 31st; Northwestern Mutual Aspiring Leaders Scholarship for students majoring in business, finance, or economics – Deadline April 1st;Sarah Nelson McManus Memorial Scholarship – Deadline April 4th; Marren Wells Hanno Memorial Scholarship – Deadline April 11th; School Facilities Ass. Scholarship for students majoring in Facility Management, Engineering, Architecture, Energy Studies, Constriction Management or related – Deadline April 18th; School Facilities Association Trade School Scholarship for students pursuing a trade in the fields of carpentry, electrical, plumbing or HVAC – Deadline April 18th; Olivia Rose Sacco Memorial Scholarship – Deadline May 1st; Frank Brandes Scholarship and Senter Cole Scholarship – Deadline May 2nd; Harold & Jean Head Award for students majoring in education or STEM – Deadline May 8th.